Monday, November 1, 2010

Get along

1Corinthians 1:10 You must get along with each other. You must learn to be considerate of one another, cultivating a life in common.

 Everyone is different. You fold socks one way, I fold them another. You like to eat steak, I don’t. You have short hair, I prefer mine long.

The biggest challenge of different people is getting along with those who aren’t like us. It is easy to be attracted to others with similar lifestyles and personalities as our own. We understand those people the best and know how to work together. Polar opposites are a little more of a challenge to work with.

Getting along with others is an art form, especially in our self-driven world. We are taught to look out for number one, not consider your neighbour. As Paul wrote thousands of years ago, living life in common takes cultivation. It won’t just happen. It is something you must work at and master.

Who don’t you get along with? Who really rubs you up the wrong way? Perhaps it is your husband or one of your children. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, you are different, and your differences are exaggerated at the moment. Now is the time to practice cultivating a life in common. You get on with people with whom you share a common interest. So if you want to get along with someone a lot better, find what you have in common, and let that be the focus of your relationship. As you do things you enjoy or talk about your interest together, you will begin to see the things that drive you up the wall fade.

Get along and be amazing.

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