Wednesday, September 29, 2010

This little light

I love sunny days. Today is a sunny day, and everything looks lovely.

Light is within us all. After all, you can light up a room. You can be as refreshing and purifying as sunlight. You can give hope to a weary soul and happiness to a saddened heart. You can shine in all your magnificence and glory.

So what are you waiting for?

Matthew 5:16 Make your light shine, so that others will see the good that you do and will praise your Father in heaven.

Be amazing.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Here’s a little botany lesson (of sorts). Trees are planted in soil. Strong, tall trees have roots that go deep into the soil. Their roots are an anchor. They enable them to continue to grow and flourish through the wind and rain. The nutrients the tree needs for growth are filtered through the soil and root system. Even if you cut such a tree down, because of the root system grounding the tree, it will sprout again.

Psalm 1:1-3 Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. But they delight in the law of the LORD, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.

What grounds you? What is your reality check? What keeps your life in perspective? As you climb the ladder of success, the things that ground us become more and more important. If you don’t have anything grounding you, your roots will be shallow. Eventually your life will topple.

Whatever grounds you is an anchor. An anchor, that filters everything that will enable you to grow and go higher. In that sense, the things that ground you will give an overall flavour and dictate what really matters in life. And even if something devastating happens, you will flourish again because of the things that ground you.

Have a good think about what grounds you today. What foundations have you laid? Do you give enough attention to your groundings? If you want to prosper in all you do, make sure you are grounded to the right things.

Be amazing.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Time to share

Looking through my son’s story book shelf, I noticed a book about sharing. One of the most important skills parents teach young children is sharing. Unfortunately, sharing is a skill we seem to unlearn on our journey to adulthood. We push in front of people in a queue, fight over carparks, and are reluctant to give our hard-earned cash away. Just when did we forget the importance of sharing?

Hebrews 13:16  And don't forget to do good and to share with those in need.

Life is not meant to be lived in isolation. Your gifts and talents are for you to share with others. Someone needs you to share your smile today. Another needs you to share what you know. And another person needs you to share your time. There may even be someone who needs you to share your carpark.

You have so much to share. Do good and share with those in need today.

Share and be amazing.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Life is made of beautiful moments. Don’t let them go by. Enjoy them. Stop what you’re doing for a while and be part of them. Thank God for them.

Psalm 39:4 says,LORD, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered—how fleeting my life is.”

This is not a morbid thought. It is a reality check. Do you treasure the life you have, or is everything a chore?

Life is so busy. Just ask anyone how they are. Nine out of ten times they will respond, “Busy.” There’s so much to do, places to go, people to catch up with.

Life is not supposed to be made up of busyness. It is a collection of unique moments. We are all guilty of rushing through them, but perhaps today, or at least some time this week, enjoy a moment. Enjoy a moment with the love of your life. Enjoy a moment with your children. Enjoy a moment with extended family, friends, co-workers, whom ever you contact.  

This is your moment. Be amazing.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Crunchy Apples

I love crunchy apples, and I hate, loath and am sickened by floury ones. When I used to live with my parents, if I got an apple from the fridge and bit into it, only to find a disgusting, floury taste, I would put it back into the fridge for my Dad to eat (because Dad’s eat everything, even floury apples). It became a running joke in the family because there were regularly apples with a bite taken out of them in our fridge. Why put them back in the fridge and not straight in the bin? Well, I knew that Dad, or perhaps someone else, would eat it. I’m not one to waste food.

I only just finished eating a deliciously crunchy apple today, which reminded me of my antics. But it also gave me a thought for the blog.

Only eat good quality fruit… No! Don’t settle for second best. That’s the Make Yourself Amazing thought: Demand the best, leave the rest. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. You are amazing, so demand the best of life.

Psalm 23:6a  Surely Your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life

Goodness is pursuing you. Don’t settle for average. Just around the corner you’ll get the best. You might need to be a little more patient, and it might mean the timing isn’t perfect (in your eyes), but wait for the absolute best. Life is too short to live any other way.

Be amazing.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Newbie in the World of Blogging

Welcome to the world of blogging. Well, perhaps you are an old hat at blogging and reading blogs, but this is my first attempt. So, I welcome myself to the world of blogging.

I have been motivated to blog because I fancy myself a writer. It is not because I am bored and have nothing else to do, and hope that there are people in cyberspace who also have nothing better to do, who will read my inner musings that I post just because I can. No, beautiful words stir my heart, divinely inspired.

People write all sorts of things as they blog. Some blog their cooking masterpieces and disasters, others blog the daily happenings of their children. There’s retail blogging, political blogs, news blogs, what can’t you blog? Here is what I shall blog: building you; how to make yourself amazing; getting the most out of life; your daily/weekly/every-time-I-post pep talk. I hope that’s why you’re here.

Today’s Make Yourself Amazing thought is:

You are the most handsome of all. Gracious words stream from your lips. God himself has blessed you forever.

These words, and some lovely words stated earlier (“Beautiful words stir in my heart,” are not my brilliant words) were written a few millennia ago and are found in the book of Psalms, chapter forty-five. They encompass three ways you can be amazing.

Look in the mirror and remind yourself that you are the most handsome of all. You are stunning, exquisite. You are dazzling and captivating. No matter your current situation, that is who you are. Walk with head held high, amazing you.

Let gracious words flow. Remember your manners. Be patient with others. Live at peace with the world. Grace is always your demeanour.

You are blessed. You are empowered. You have all the resources you need to be incredible, successful and amazing.

Live it, my friend. Be amazing.