Monday, November 15, 2010

Strong and courageous

Joshua 1:9 Be strong and courageous.

Are you feeling tired? Perhaps a little run down? Do you need a holiday? Are you counting the minutes till you leave work? Things a little dreary?

They say that change is as good as a holiday, and here’s what has to change: your attitude. Yes, that’s right, you get no sympathy today. Read another blog. If you feel like whinging and complaining there are plenty of outlets on the internet that give you the space. But if a good swift kick up the backside is what you need, read on.

Be strong and courageous. Notice it doesn’t say feel strong and courageous. Most days most people are driven by their feelings. I feel tired, so I’ll act tired and I’ll complain about being tired. If you want to be amazing you can’t work like that. You are commanded to be strong and courageous. There is no option, it is what you are meant to be. Well, I guess there is an option. You can be strong and courageous or whimpy and pitiful. Be strong and courageous. It is what you were born for. Don’t live by your feelings, live by who you are to be. You are strong and courageous. Take courage, take strength in that.

Be amazing.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The sky is the limit

Genesis 28:12 And he dreamed that there was a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven.

The sky is the limit. The world is your oyster. Reach for the stars. Cliché’s, I know. If only we believed them.

Life is to be lived without limits. Many think they are limited by education, finances, ability. The truth is, we limit ourselves. We create our own ceiling. Every excuse and restriction can be summed up in one word: fear. Fear of failure; of what others will think; of the unknown.

Jacob was blessed enough to see in a dream that there was a ladder before him that he could go up. That ladder exists and is in front of us all. We can reach for the heavens and make our wildest dreams come true. Leave the limitations behind and focus on what lies ahead. Live without a ceiling. Life is yours for the taking.

Be amazing.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Never to be seen again

Moses and the Red Sea, according to an American poll, is the most popular Bible story of all time. The picture of Moses lifting his hands and the water miraculously parting in The Ten Commandments still burns in my mind. It is a fantastical story with drama, villains, extraordinary feats, and superheros, the biggest hero being Yahweh Himself.

The huge miracle of the parting of the Red Sea is that not only did the children of Israel walk through on dry ground unharmed, but the Egyptians followed them through only to have the sea collapse on top of them. The entire army was drowned. Those who had kept the Israelites in slavery and bondage for 400 years completely disappeared in one moment, never to be seen again.

Exodus 14:13  But Moses told the people, "Don't be afraid. Just stand still and watch the LORD rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again.

What is holding you back? Excuses? Depression? Sickness? Financial lack? Inability? Poor thought life? Stand still. Don’t be afraid. Take a good look at what has held you captive, because you will never see it again. The horse and rider have been thrown into the sea. You are free to walk into your dreams.

Take courage. Believe it. Your destiny awaits. Whatever has kept you down will never bother you again.

Be amazing.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Just keep calm

It is the time of year when everything cranks up a notch and starts going crazy. There are parties to attend, presents to buy, recitals to go to, and halls to be decked. Plus all the regular tasks we attend to.

When the silly season gets you frazzled, here’s what you need to repeat over and over until it works: Just stay calm.

Exodus 14:14 (NLT) Just stay calm.

Other translations of the same passage sound like this: Hold your peace: remain at rest: keep your mouth shut.

Things get out of perspective quickly when we’re pressed and stressed. Problems seem gigantic and, “You wouldn’t stay calm if you were in my shoes.”

Think on this: God told the children of Israel to, “Just stay calm,” while they were being chased down by an army and looking into the deep Red Sea. Once they calmed down, their situation changed.

So next time you’re being chased by an army (or a pack of ninjas) with no way out, remember to keep your cool. Hold on to the peace you have. Things will change.

Be amazing.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Uninspired is the life of many. But you, you are a remarkable individual. The world is your oyster. Inspiration, motivation and courage are all around you. Don’t be scared. You’ve got what it takes.

It must be sad to live an uninspired kind of life. To feel flat, bored and confined. To never see beyond average. Stuck in the same place, going round and round the mountain.

You could have chosen such a life, but you did not. You chose to make life all that you could. To make dreams reality. To pay the price for greatness. To live a life less ordinary and more extraordinary.

And with your choice, your life is an inspiration. Know that when you wake in the morning and go about doing remarkable things, you awaken those uninspired lives, and give them hope. Hope is your gift. Be lavish in your expression of it.

2Corinthians 3:12  With that kind of hope to excite us, nothing holds us back.

Be amazing.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Proverbs 10:9  Honesty lives confident and carefree, but Shifty is sure to be exposed.

Honesty is the best policy, that’s what we were taught. Is that how people live? Hardly. White lies, lying to save our selves, taking sick days when we’re not sick at all, are all too common. Honesty is a good policy, when it suits me.

The even deeper question is am I living honestly with myself? Do I like who I am and what I do? Am I open about my feelings? Are my actions true to myself?

When you live an honest life, you live free of guilt, shame and pain. You can look people in the eye and walk with head held high. Life is bliss. Dishonesty will always be exposed, and it always comes with disappointment, shock and heartache. It is just not worth it.

Choose to live an honest life today. Examine your own heart and see if there is any deceitfulness. Get tough with yourself and stop making excuses that are really lies. Determine that you are a person of utmost integrity. Live confident, carefree, and honest.

Be amazing.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Get along

1Corinthians 1:10 You must get along with each other. You must learn to be considerate of one another, cultivating a life in common.

 Everyone is different. You fold socks one way, I fold them another. You like to eat steak, I don’t. You have short hair, I prefer mine long.

The biggest challenge of different people is getting along with those who aren’t like us. It is easy to be attracted to others with similar lifestyles and personalities as our own. We understand those people the best and know how to work together. Polar opposites are a little more of a challenge to work with.

Getting along with others is an art form, especially in our self-driven world. We are taught to look out for number one, not consider your neighbour. As Paul wrote thousands of years ago, living life in common takes cultivation. It won’t just happen. It is something you must work at and master.

Who don’t you get along with? Who really rubs you up the wrong way? Perhaps it is your husband or one of your children. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, you are different, and your differences are exaggerated at the moment. Now is the time to practice cultivating a life in common. You get on with people with whom you share a common interest. So if you want to get along with someone a lot better, find what you have in common, and let that be the focus of your relationship. As you do things you enjoy or talk about your interest together, you will begin to see the things that drive you up the wall fade.

Get along and be amazing.