Sunday, October 31, 2010

Don't give up

Don’t give up! Your time is near. Victory is on the way. The promise will be fulfilled. The dream will be reality. So don’t give up.

Push through the hard times. They are momentary, but the rewards for perseverance are eternal. Take your eyes off circumstance and focus on the big picture. Look beyond where you are right now and see the light at the end of the tunnel. You can do it. Don’t give up.

Where ever you give up will become your ceiling. You will always go so far, and then no more because moving on is too hard, too painful, or costs too much. What will you pay for greatness? What will you pay for your dream?

James 1:12 Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.

Be amazing.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Be gorgeous

Today I held a morning tea party for Be Gorgeous, a charity that raises faith and funds for projects that impact women all over the world. They have built safe houses for women of DR Congo, enabled a woman to have plastic surgery to repair her face that was mutilated in Northern Uganda, and encouraged hundreds of farmers’ wives. We jumped on the bandwagon and raised funds this morning that will go toward rescuing women caught in human trafficking.

27 million people in the world are caught in human trafficking. It is estimated that 1% of those will ever be rescued in their lifetime. We all thought that slavery was abolished centuries ago, however it is more alive now in our modern world, than ever before. As a friend said this morning, we send troups to fight for terrorism but what do we do about evils such as human trafficking?

Micah 6:8  The LORD God has told us what is right and what he demands: "See that justice is done, let mercy be your first concern, and humbly obey your God."

Living right doesn’t just mean being honest, trustworthy, and the like. It also means making sure justice is carried out on the earth. You can do something. You have all the resources you need to do something. What will you do today?

Be amazing.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Nothing compares

Galatians 6:4  Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else.

Two posts ago (Pay Attention) I finished with the above verse and commented that I would write about comparing yourself at a later stage. Well, here is the stage.

Comparison. We all know it is bad for us, but we do it any way. It seems so harmless and insignificant, yet it is a death trap. Comparison turns to jealousy, envy, bitterness and hatred. Not so harmless after all.

Paul gives us helpful clues on avoiding the comparison trap. Here in Galatians he encourages us to focus on our own work and to do it well. In Philippians he instructs us to press toward the goal (Philippians 3:14). In other words, we should be so busy working on what we’re supposed to be doing, and giving it all our energy, that there is no time to compare ourselves with anyone.

If you find yourself wasting time by comparing what you don’t have and wishing life were different, you’ve lost your focus. When all your effort, time and enthusiasm are fixed on pursuing your destiny, you have no energy to spare for comparison and jealousy. Get back to running your own race.

Comparison, jealousy and all the other harmful emotions associated with them make us feel bad. I used to think that it was because they were ugly feelings in themselves, but I’ve since come to another understanding. Comparing ourselves to someone else makes us feel bad because it stops us from completing our own purpose. I am happiest and most fulfilled when I am achieving what I was created for. Comparing myself stops me from doing that, hence it stops me from finding fulfilment and joy.

Be excellent and do what you do with all your might. Don’t let comparison rob you of being the best you that you can possibly be.

Be amazing.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

He answers

Jeremiah 29:12-14  In those days when you pray, I will listen.  If you look for Me wholeheartedly, you will find Me. I will be found by you," says the LORD.

On Wednesday, my cousin’s wife gave birth to a baby girl. Around a year ago, I began to pray that baby into existence. I was so excited by the birth of little Bethany because it reminds me that God answers prayer.

God answers prayer. Think about it. Your creator, the creator of the universe, listens to you. He listens to what you say, and He provides the solution. That is incredible.

I’ve heard it said that Jesus is the king everyone wants, they just don’t know it yet. The God of the Bible, Yahweh, Lord, is the god the world wants. The God who declares them perfect, apart from works. The God who gives, not according to what we deserve, but according to His great love for us. The God who listens and answers every time we call His name. This is my God. Why wouldn’t I love Him?

He’s the God you’re looking for today, just waiting to be found.

Be amazing.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pay attention

Today was the second time in two weeks that I sent a text message to the wrong person. The first message was to the right recipient but my reply included kisses at the end. Today’s message also had kisses at the end because I thought I was texting my husband but I wasn’t. Both times I had to quickly send apologetic replies because I wasn’t thinking.

At times to our detriment, women are habitual multi-taskers. We’re not doing anything unless we’re doing at least three things at once! You’re probably reading this, cooking dinner, and folding the washing. But something, if not everything, suffers.

So breathe. Breathe in. Pause. Breathe out. Close your eyes, and let the air fill your lungs. Rotate your shoulders and neck. Have a big stretch. Now focus on one thing. Whatever is most important. Other things can wait.

Galatians 6:4  Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else.

Pay attention and you will be satisfied. I’ll leave comparing yourself to another blog…

Be amazing.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

More thankful

Yesterday I was handing out prizes at playgroup. Of the dozen children who received a prize, only two said, “Thank you.” Thankfulness is slowly easing its way out of society. People aren’t thankful.

Have you been thankful today? Did you thank your husband for making you a coffee? Did you thank the person who served you lunch? Did you thank a colleague for lending a hand? Are you thankful that you live in Australia? Are you thankful for the car you drive? The house you live in? There is so much to be thankful for.

Often in life we spend our time wanting more. We want a better job, a nicer home and a more perfect family. There is nothing wrong with improvement, but it should not stop us from being thankful for what we have. In fact, a heart of thanksgiving opens the door to better things. Psalm 100:4 says, “Enter His gates with thanksgiving.” The gates of heaven open to a thankful heart.

Make a choice to be more thankful. Teach your children the importance of saying, “Thank you.” Set an example by doing it yourself. It is not just polite, it is an attitude of the heart; an attitude that opens the door to blessing.

Be amazing.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Precious thoughts

Psalm 139:17 How precious are Your thoughts about me, O God.

You are precious (Psalm 72:14). You are loved (1 John 4:10). You are smart (Job 32:8). You are stunning (Song of Songs 1:15). You are wonderful (Psalm 139:14). You are fantastic. You are lovely and kind. You have a beautiful heart. You can do amazing things. You have a destiny. You have a magnificent future ahead of you (Jeremiah 29:11). You deserve the best in life (Proverbs 31:31). I believe in you. You are breathtaking inside and out (Psalm 139:15). I designed you to be incredible (Ephesians 2:10). You are adorable. You are my favourite. I am in love with everything about you. I love you more than you could ever understand (Ephesians 3:19).

These are just some of the precious thoughts God has had about you today. God, whose thoughts created the vastness of our universe. He had these thoughts, and more about you. So when you feel down, hopeless, and discouraged, come back to this blog and remind yourself how God sees you. He’s never wrong.

Be amazing.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

We the saints

Hebrews 12:1 Such a large crowd of witnesses is all around us! So we must get rid of everything that slows us down, especially the sin that just won't let go. And we must be determined to run the race that is ahead of us.

Yesterday, Australia saw Mother Mary MacKillop become a Saint. Saint Mary was a good woman, a little radical and prepared to buck the system for the sake of justice. She was compassionate and had a heart of love for people.

If you aren’t Catholic, you probably don’t understand why all the fuss. I mean, aren’t we all saints?

Saint Mary MacKillop, even before she was canonised, was a great Australian lady standing in the great crowd of witnesses standing around us. She is cheering us on. She wants more people to be made saints in Australia. She wants more miracles performed. Her desire is that we use her life as inspiration. Mary was an amazing woman who achieved greatness for Christ. She ran her race well. I am sure she is glad to be recognised as a saint, but she longs to see us run the incredible race we have set before us.

Be a saint. Be amazing.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Extravagant rescue

The world watched in awe this week as 33 Chilean miners were freed from their ten weeks of darkness in earth’s pit. Such jubilation as each person was raised up from the depths.. Engineers and experts have been working round the clock planning this rescue mission to the last detail so that not one would perish. Everything had to be perfectly in place before they began sending the rescue capsule to bring the miners back into the light. It is an amazing story of human spirit.

In some way every one of us can relate to these miners. We have all been in the depths of despair. We have felt trapped in the darkness. The miners survived ten weeks, but what of a lifetime? Who will save us?

6000 years ago, a rescue mission was planned to save humankind from the pit they had dug for themselves. 2000 years ago, that plan was executed, at the precise time, and with absolute precision. Jesus Christ has made a way so that every human being caught in the depths of their sin could come back into the light, back to what they were created for. All you have to do is get in the rescue shaft.

The story of Jesus Christ is an amazing story of God’s spirit, His love for all creation. It will remain the greatest and most extravagant rescue mission of all time. It deserves to be embraced and celebrated with exuberance.

Psalm 103:1-5
Praise the LORD, O my soul;
       all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
Praise the LORD, O my soul,
       and forget not all his benefits-
who forgives all your sins
       and heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit        and crowns you with love and compassion,
who satisfies your desires with good things
       so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.

Jesus, rescue me from the pit, redeem my life. Crown me with love and compassion. Satisfy me, renew me. Thank you for coming to my rescue. Woohoo! Amen.

Be amazing.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


On Sunday night, Allan Davis won a Commonwealth gold medal for the men’s cycling road race. While Davis was the only man standing on the podium, his victory came through the Australian cycling team’s strategising and collaboration.

If you’re going to achieve something great in life, it takes team. You can’t do it by yourself.

In the world of Facebook, Twitter and instant messages, people are more connected than ever. So why do more and more people feel alone? Because it’s not just about connecting, it’s about team. Where there’s a team, there’s vision. Where there’s a team, there’s support. Where there’s a team, there’s success.

Ecc 4:9-10 Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.

Don’t just connect with people in a superficial, “I’m eating my lunch” kind of way. Be part of a team: whether that be family, co-workers, or friends. Have a vision that you press toward together, helping each other succeed. You need it.

Be amazing.

Monday, October 11, 2010

You are what you think

Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.

If you are what you eat, you are even more so what you think.

Dr Caroline Leaf, brain researcher since 1981, says that 87%-95% of illnesses that plague us today are a direct result of our thought life. She says that through an uncontrolled thought life, we make ourselves sick. Bitterness, painful memories, negative thoughts, anger, all create toxic pathways in our brain that contribute to our choices and actions.

The good news is that we have the power to change our mind. We can get rid of toxic pathways, and make healthy nerve paths in our brain that will keep us healthy and living long.

How do you do this? Dr Leaf said that when you have a negative thought, you have 24 hours to get rid of it. The message here is that when someone treats you badly, forgive immediately. If you start to feel down, shake yourself out of it straight away. You have stopped the toxic nerve pathways from forming.

But what of the painful memories long embedded in our minds? Renew it. Renew your mind. In 21 days you can breakdown toxic nerve pathways and rebuild healthy ones. You do this by replacing negative thoughts and emotions with promises from the Word of God.

Who knew our brain was so powerful? Ah, God. After all, He created it, and wrote about how to keep the brain healthy over 2000 years ago in the Bible. Thanks to researchers like Dr Leaf, we’re verifying that what the Bible says is not only true, but the best way to live.

Don’t dwell on stuff, renew your mind to the promises of God, and think yourself healthy.

Be amazing.

For more information on Dr Leaf go to

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Such a time as this

Psalm 139:16  You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in Your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.

Last week my mother told me that there is no word for coincidence in the Hebrew language. For Hebrew people, coincidence does not exist. Everything happens on purpose. Having that kind of outlook will change your life.

Your life is no coincidence. You were placed on earth at this point in time for a purpose. Your talents and abilities were selected to be on earth at this moment because it is now that they are most useful. No one else can do what you can. No one else can be all that you can be. You are uniquely incredible and you have been chosen to make the world a better place.

Immense thoughts, full of the kind of truth that can set you free.

Be amazing.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Do to others...

When you make a mistake, do you want people to be patient? Do you want them to be understanding? Give you a second chance? Believe in you again?

Of course. However, when the shoe is on the other foot, and someone else makes a mistake, we are often quick to judge. The grace we believe we deserve ourselves is not extended to others. We jump to conclusions and give anything but the benefit of the doubt.

When someone does something to annoy you, makes a mistake, or fails to pull their weight, give them the grace you wish for yourself. Be quick to forgive and trust again. I know you have been let down before. We all have. Newsflash: you have let people down before too. Do you want others to give you a second chance? What is life if we don’t believe in people and give them a chance? It is empty, lonely, bitter and twisted.

Matthew 7:1-2 Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged.

Jesus goes on to say quite a bit about how we treat others in Matthew 7. He never commanded anyone to judge or treat others badly. His command was to love each other (John 13:34). Yes, that’s right, love is a command. So love and be gracious with others. Be patient, peaceful and nice. That is the path of godliness.

Be amazing.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Busy. Over-worked. Stressed out. Hectic. Active. Whatever you want to label it, most people would describe their life this way. In our day and age, there are even people who get their self-worth from how busy they are. Keeping up with the Joneses is not just about material wealth, but it has come to also include being as busy as they are. Heaven forbid that when someone asks how my weekend was I reply, “Relaxing. We didn’t do anything.”

A busy life is not how it is meant to be. When God created the world He made six days for us to work, and one day for us to rest. “But you don’t know my life,” you may say. No I don’t. But I do know that rest is nothing to be ashamed of, nor is it a guilty pleasure. It is a natural part of life and you need to make room in your schedule to rest. And here’s how: commit to less. I may be a little presumptuous to say this, but you don’t have to do all the things you do. Cut down on the non-essentials and take time to rest.

Hebrews 4:1  The promise to enter the place of rest is still good, and we must take care that none of you miss out.

You can experience incredible rest and refreshing. It is there for the taking, don’t miss out. Having time for yourself is healthy and good for you, and it should happen at least once a week.

So go on, take some time to rest, relax, and refresh. Be amazing.

Monday, October 4, 2010

The incredible bunting

Have you ever surprised your self? Have you ever tried something new, that deep down you thought you would fail, yet you succeeded? I totally surprised myself this weekend.

I am in a redecorating mood. Perhaps because Better Homes and Gardens is must see television in our house, or because of the numerous Real Living magazines that I seem to buy, or because The Block has returned: probably a combination of the three.

The room I am tackling this week (The Block, anyone?) is my son’s nursery. I painted some canvases and rearranged the furniture so that it is no longer a baby’s room but the room of a toddler, with plenty of space for his growing toy collection. However, the room was not quite complete. I decided it needed a bunting, which is a collection of flags hung in every funky and stylish child’s room. I looked online to see what I could find. Na-dah. So I decided I would make one myself.

Now you must understand one thing: I do not sew. The last time I used a sewing machine was in high school. Why sew when you can buy, right? But I trotted off to Spotlight to buy fabric, thread, and three metres of navy ribbon (masculine ribbon, not girly, shiny ribbon), to make a bunting.

I cut the material and pinned the flags. I then went round to my mother’s place and borrowed her sewing machine. It dauntingly sat on my desk for two days, challenging me to back down. Something on the inside told me I could do this. It was that excited, adrenaline-charged voice that I listened to.

Sunday afternoon, while my husband watched the NRL grand final, I sat down to sew the bunting. It took a while to remember how to put thread on the bobbin, and how to set the stitching, but eventually I was ready. I sewed the first flag, and to my utter amazement, it was perfect. Not perfect in the sense that I had sewn in a straight line and over-locked the hem, but perfect for me. It worked. I was so sure I was going to throw the sewing machine out the window, but instead I am about to sew more flags and make buntings for every friend who has a baby.

I tell this story, hopefully not to bore you, but inspire you. We box ourselves in sometimes because we assume, “I can’t do that.” We don’t take a chance. We have a comfortable existence, happy with what we know. Life is meant to be an ever increasing challenge. We aren’t supposed to settle. We are supposed to grow and challenge ourselves every day.

After my weekend sewing challenge I am completely pumped! It is so exhilarating to accomplish something new, something I thought was impossible for me. I did it, and you can too.

Mark 9:23  Anything is possible if a person believes.

Be amazing.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Possible Impossibilities

It has started. The Commonwealth Games. With all the whoo-hah in the media over the last few weeks, I didn’t think the Games would eventuate. But they have. Prince Charles has deemed the Games open. India came through. What the rest of the Commonwealth thought impossible, has become possible. Another perfect example of possible impossibilities.

Possible impossibilities. Your life is full of them: dreams that seem, well…impossible; situations that will never change; people who will never change; life-threatening illness; limited resources; and more. Impossible.

Here’s the good news: the impossible is possible. Don’t shake your head no. It is. And here’s how: believe. No five steps to success. No seven secrets to achieve your goals. All you have to do is believe.

The Bible is full of possible impossibilities, from David and Goliath to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus spoke much about possible impossibilities but He also lived them. He accomplished what was impossible all the time.

One day, Jesus was faced with a little girl who had died. The professional mourners had already arrived at her parent’s house and everyone had completely written her off. When Jesus arrives at her home He says to her parents, “Only believe.” Only believe, and you will see the impossible possible.

There must have been some pretty big believers in Delhi over the last few weeks because the media had surely written them off! But perhaps you feel a little that way. You might feel written off. Or you may have written off your dreams as complete impossibilities. Don’t. This is your time. Only believe. It really is that simple.

Be amazing.